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Important Evidence for Slip-And-Fall Accident in Florida Injury Case

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Michael Hersh and Ian Kirtman, Trial Attorneys


Michael Hersh and Ian Kirtman, Trial Attorneys

August 14, 2023

Attorneys Michael Hersh and Ian Kirtman are experienced personal injury attorneys who have won their clients more than $100 million in verdicts and settlements throughout their 30 years of experience.

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wet floor

While many individuals assume that a slip-and-fall accident may not be serious, this is often not the case. Slip-and-fall accidents can be damaging and leave victims with injuries and a long road to recovery. If you were injured in a slip-and-fall accident in Florida, there is important evidence, like photographs, certain documents or witness accounts, that are key to proving your personal injury case. 

For victims of slip-and-fall accidents, Hersh Kirtman Injury Law is here to provide the trusted legal representation they deserve to get justice for their case. It is crucial that you have the help of a legal professional who can collect the evidence that will help your claim be as successful as possible.

Types of Evidence That Are Crucial in a Slip-And-Fall Accident Case

Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. While a slip-and-fall accident may not seem serious at first glance, these accidents can result in serious damages for the victims involved. To ensure you get justice for your injuries following a slip-and-fall accident, certain pieces of evidence are essential to the success of your personal injury claim. 

The pieces of evidence that can be used by your attorney to prove your personal injury claim following a slip-and-fall accident include the following:

Accident or Incident Report

If you suffered a slip-and-fall in a business like a store, they will likely ask you to fill out an incident report gathering the necessary information to allow the company and insurer to follow up with you. You should complete the report before leaving the site of the accident and stick to the facts of the incident, including the date, time, and location. The store may give you a copy of the report and it is important to keep that for your attorney to use. 

Police Report

If law enforcement was called to the scene of your accident, your lawyer can request a copy of the police report to help substantiate your personal injury claim after a slip-and-fall.

Photos and Videos

If you were able to capture photos or videos of the accident, your lawyer can use these as evidence in your slip-and-fall accident case. Oftentimes photos and videos are the best way to show the dangerous nature of what caused you to fall.  

Eyewitness Accounts

If your accident was in a place where there were other people present, your lawyer may be able to speak with those who were present at the accident scene to corroborate your story.

Medical Records

After a slip-and-fall incident, you should seek medical attention shortly after the fall if you feel injured, no matter how serious it feels at the time. Timely medical care can help you recover from your injuries quicker and also helps to prove your personal injury claim. The medical records and bills are used as evidence to prove the damages you suffered as a result of the slip-and-fall. 

Pay Statements

If your slip-and-fall accident injuries resulted in you being unable to work, your attorney will collect pay stubs showing how your paid time off or extended sick leave balances were affected, your loss of income, and other financial losses.

To get help collecting all of the important evidence for your slip-and-fall accident injury case, a Florida lawyer can assist you and help you prove your personal injury claim.

Build a Strong Slip-And-Fall Accident Claim With Hersh Kirtman Injury Law

Being injured in a slip-and-fall accident can be traumatizing. This is especially true when you suffer losses due to another’s negligence. If you have been harmed in a slip-and-fall accident, you have the right to pursue justice. 

At Hersh Kirtman Injury Law, we understand that our clients need guidance as they look to build a strong personal injury claim. We help them get the compensation they are owed after a negligent party causes a slip-and-fall accident and leaves them injured. To schedule a free case evaluation with one of our slip-and-fall injury lawyers, contact us today by filling out our contact form or giving us a call at (561) 208-3700.

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